“TEHNO SPECS GENERAL TRADING L.L.C”, quality has always been an absolute priority. This is because we recognize that only high-quality products and services can continue to ensure that you as our customer can successfully complete your projects. Our goal is to provide you with these high-quality products and services day after day.
With our quality management system and processes, we ensure that both stock deliveries and factory deliveries meet international standards and our customers' specifications.
“TEHNO SPECS GENERAL TRADING L.L.C” is committed to achieving high levels of health and safety in all workplaces for our employees, contractors, customers, and others involved in our business activities.
The modern world requires modern solutions for business.
As an official distributor of «John Crane», the company provides spare parts and components that have a positive impact on reducing methane emissions in the oil and gas industry and agrees to do everything possible to achieve near-zero methane emissions in their operations.